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Article: Can-Am Ryker: What to Expect

10 years ago, Can-Am introduced its first three-wheeled sensation, the Spyder. The success of the F3 and RT helped usher in a new road cycling concept that has gained momentum over the last decade. Now Can-Am is back with its latest model, the Can-Am Ryker. Can-Am is already touting the three-wheeled cycle as more affordable, ridable, and versatile than its predecessors. What kind of performance and features can you expect from the Ryker? Let’s read below to find out more.

Buying Guide: The Best Car Stereos of 2019

If you’re looking to put together a custom sound system, you need to start with the receiver and work your way out. However, receivers today act more like computer operating systems, offering tons of features and functions. Therefore, if you are going to customize your infotainment, follow these tips below to get a stellar performance. Although some auto manufacturers have made strides in providing quality audio equipment, factory stereos often pale in comparison to aftermarket or custom stereo

Article: Cybersecurity and self-driving vehicles: How are they connected?

The true measure of 21st-century technology is not in its cool design, level of innovation, or the myriad of features it provides. Instead, consumers want to know if the device they invest their time and money in delivers wireless connectivity. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, IoT, cloud-based platforms, and smart devices have all driven developers to think beyond the machine and focus more on its mobility. While connectivity ushers in a level of sophistication, it also provides the

Article: Advancements in Sustainable Business Practices

This is a ghostwriting project for an online newspaper/magazine. Each year, business magazine and research company, Corporate Knights, ranks the top 100 most sustainable corporations in the world. Companies are ranked based on efforts to reduce carbon and waste, revenue generated from clean products, and overall sustainability. Top U.S. honors in 2019 go to notables such as Prologis, Inc. (real estate investment trusts), McCormick & Company (food and beverage production), and Cisco Systems (communication equipment).

Buying Guide: SUV Buying Guide | Facebook Marketplace

Thinking about buying a SUV? Read our SUV buying guide to find information on price, size, fuel economy, common features and more. SUVs have become one of the most popular types of cars on the road, but with so many to choose from, how do you decide which SUV is right for you? Here is a guide to SUVs, the different types and what to consider before buying. Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs) are generally categorized as larger, 4-do

Buying Guide: Used Car Buying Guide | Facebook Marketplace

This used car buying guide gives you practical tips on what to consider before buying a used car, such as new vs. used cars, features to consider and the used car-buying process. Thinking about buying a used car? Here’s a guide to help you navigate your used car purchase...Determining if You Should Buy a Used Car. Many buyers are motivated to buy a used car because new cars typically cost more and lose value quickly, which
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