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Article: Is Pet Insurance Worth it? See if it's Worth the Cost

You may feel uncertain about how to best care for your pet and find yourself asking, “Is pet insurance worth it?” For pet owners who view their loved ones more like children and members of the family, this is easy to answer. With the rise in individuals who have chosen to substitute pets for having children, the trend toward sparing no expense for the needs of fur babies continues to increase.

Article: Why Business Owners Should Care About Cyber Liability Insurance | Insurance News Net | Camp Hill, Pennsylvania

Cyber attacks and network hacks create an avalanche of problems for businesses on multiple levels. First, companies have to deal with the fallout of figuring out what data was lost or what areas of the network sustained damage. Second, companies have to figure out how to restore their credibility with their customers and in the public at large. However, the biggest issue facing a company is how to respond to multiple lawsuits that may arise from customers or employees who claim that their identity.

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